Victorian Council CEO Salaries
Below is a compiled list of Victorian Council CEO salaries.
Currently most CEO salaries are not linked to public performance standards.
No matter how bad the service, CEO's still get paid.
Council CEO Salaries - highest to lowest

*Campaspe Shire Council confirmed CEO remuneration package was $315,000 in Shepparton News of 28/9/21
Note 7.1(c) of the Financial Statement shows a ‘termination benefits’ $323k. A News release by Campaspe Shire Council on 5/5/22 agreed to early separation for CEO who not be seeking to renew their contract **Yarriambiack Shire Council – the CEO remuneration in 2021 was $210-220k and Buloke Shire Council was $220-230k in 2021
***Glenelg Shire Council – Financial Statement in the Council Agenda of 27 September 2022
Sources of information:
Remuneration of the CEO is taken from Note 7 of the Financial Statement in the Annual Report 2021-2022 of each local council – 7.1(c) Remuneration of Key Management Personnel (in bands). Assumption that the CEO is the highest band shown
9 December 2021 Following this considered approach, Councillors determined that the CEO's total remuneration package be $425,000, including superannuation.