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Calling on Councils to ensure all cultures, ethnicities, faiths & nationalities are SAFE

Fact, Australia is the most ethnically diverse country in the world - with 100 religions and 300 ethnic groups.


Australia is a multi-cultural success, with over 30% of people born overseas. We want to ensure that all people continue to live in peace and harmony and Victorian Councils have a significant role to play.

Preamble to petition.

Due to the intimidatory actions of some in our community, there are vulnerable groups who are facing threats on a daily basis. As a petitioner, we implore Council to ensure that all Council spaces, council staff, and council events are inclusive and welcoming of ALL members of the community and that the actions of Council do not alienate, prejudice, discriminate, denigrate or label residents from minority groups as "less than" or "other"

Petition wording.

We, the undersigned petitioners, ask Port Phillip, Stonnington, Melbourne, Glen Eira, Bayside, Merri-Bek, Yarra, and Darebin Councils to:

1. Remove any hate speech graffiti on Council and Public property, within 24 hours of being reported to the Council.

2. Agree not to fly ANY flags of other Countries unless in line with the Australian National Flag Protocols.

3. Create a Council Community Safety advisory committee within 90 days, to ensure strategies for Community Safety are developed to cover all cultures, ethnicities, faiths & nationalities.

4. Make emergency community grants available for community groups of $1-5,000 per group/event, for SECURITY COSTS to help all minority groups feel safe. ($50K grant pool per council).

5. Agree to assist VICPOL with any information they need to help prosecute hate crimes quickly. 

6. Make a public statement that the Council supports all people from all cultures, ethnicities, faiths & nationalities to live together in peace and harmony.

To ensure everyone feels safe - signing the petition will NOT require you to identify where you live. 

General Enquiries:
please send ALL enquiries to 

Media Enquiries ONLY: 
Dean Hurlston
0427 862 103 (please text)
General Enquiries will be answered as soon as possible

2023 Council Watch Inc
Registered since 2001. 
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