Contact us
We are a team of volunteers so we may not always be avialable when you call or email but we will always get back to you and usually will within 24-48 hours.
You can email us as follows:
General Enquiries or Help -
Become a Member
Ratepayers Victoria is a volunteer association. We get no government funding.
Our volunteer Committee members spend their own time lobbying for sensible, effective and inexpensive Legislation to reduce the local tax burden on home owners and give local residents more power in their own communities.
We compete against taxpayer funded Councils CEOs Councillors, Council staff, state MPs, Local Government Victoria, the Municipal Association of Victoria, LGPro and the Australian Services Union for the right to be involved in Legislation that affects us.
Your membership helps in two ways:
1. MPs love numbers. The more members we have, the more power we have.
2. We need money to pay for member services such as this website and the email addresses you use to contact us. Our main expense each year is the Annual General Meeting, where members vote for new Committee members and any special motions.
We are very frugal and promise not to waste your money.