A recent survey (November 2019) of Maribyrnong residents revealed that most ratepayers have no idea their house valuation is based on speculative property values.
Maribyrnong Ratepayers Group's online survey last month asked various questions about the rating system, value for rates and Council performance.
60% of people who answered said they thought their valuation did not accurately represent the value of their home.
The follow up question explained that the Valuation of Land Act has to take development zones into account for home valuations. So if an area is zoned for a certain type of development, the potential development value becomes the home value:
66% of residents said they had no idea this was how their homes were valued.
84% said homes should only be valued according to their current use, not development value.
As an example of the impact of the development valuations, one Footscray pensioner’s house attracts rates of $6,000 because it sits on the edge of the Footscray CBD skyscraper development zone.
Maribyrnong Ratepayers’ Group (MRG) committee has been lobbying local MPs Katie Hall and Melissa Horne since March 2019 to push their colleague, Planning Minister Richard Wynne to change the Valuation of Land Act so current use only, applies to house valuations.
So far MRG has been unsucessful.
Despite the fact the Act is patently dishonest and unfair, local MPs see no need to even attempt to lobby their colleague to instil a touch of integrity into state legislation.
So, they won't be getting my vote on 26.11.22.