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Writer's pictureDean Hurlston

Local Councils lack ETHICS & VALUES

Our local councils claim to have a values-based approach to their communities.

Sadly, thousands of Victorians DO NOT AGREE.

Again, this year, Local Councils are the second most complained about public body to the Ombudsman.

Today our Councils act more like the tough corporate law enforcement agency, instead of the community minded, not for profit, values champions, seeking to serve us in the values-based approach we expect.

We have become their enemy. We are to be controlled, managed, and told only what they want us to know. That does not include the full truth or facts, and our opinions are really not wanted.

They have become corporate behemoths obsessed with profit and making money. They still claim to be underfunded and hard done by, regularly threating the public with less services if profits are not increased.

With soaring rates, fees, fines, and charges - Councils have created bloated organisations that are unsustainable in their current form.

Much of this is because the Local Government Act (2020) has removed and stripped out performance standards and clear definitions of responsibility. This allows Councils to do whatever they want. There were also major changes to the role and definition of what Councillors and CEO's can do. This has erased MOST of the rights of Councillors, and handed control to the CEO.

CEO's have become the unelected demigod. They oversee and control almost everything and have the total right to restrict, ban and block Councillors at every turn.

Some CEOs have even threatened Councillors on a regular basis, refusing to let them be involved in solving residents' problems - this is the POWER of the CEO.

This is an appalling an antiquated industry where the unelected bureaucrat with no loyalty or obligation to the paying community enables them to treat residents and councillors with contempt, indifference and a lack of basic respect.

The culture within the highly networked and often scheming Executives and CEOs is the sum of the total problem. An embedded culture where our Australian Values of FAIRNESS, ACCOUNTABILITY, EQUAL TREATMENT, DEMOCRACY & RESPECT are actually not welcome.

If you want to help us make a change - because we can't allow this to continue, sign up or help start your local Council Watch group.

If you have been trampled on or treated poorly, get involved. Knowledge and people numbers are powerful, and we intend to hold them accountable.

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Constantin Sime
Constantin Sime
May 06, 2024

The present article (Local Councils lack ETHICS & VALUES) is an accurate description of the arrogance and the contempt the local city councils are showing toward their constituents.

A few days ago I contacted my (Brimbank) city council, via e-mail, to report some overgrown vegetation partially blocking street/park footpaths throughout the area I live in (Albion/Ardeer). Has any of their staff bother to reply my message? You've guessed: NO!

Because their primary concern is how promptly to implement the UN's insane globalist agendas, and to invent new taxes with which to further burden the taxpayer.


Oct 21, 2023

Horsham Council are enacting a Local Law 2023, from what I can make out of this Law It seems to be a gatekeeper document designed to stop the free speech and debate of both councillors and ratepayers alike.


Les Bennett
Les Bennett
Oct 16, 2023

In Banyule, I'am banned from using the Waste Transfer Station, (where I have for many years disposed of my unused engine oil among other items), because I ride a motor cycle. I am accused of behaving unlawfully on site with no evidence whatsoever.


Oct 16, 2023

There should be a limit of how many times a person can stand for council elections and after being elected mayor they are no longer eligble to take on that position again. It should also be compolusory for councilors and Ceos wages to be published in the citys budget every year.

Unknown member
Oct 16, 2023
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Kit Milo
Kit Milo
Oct 16, 2023

Certainly my council, Borrondara have no ethics or interest in their commit. Basic services are appalling, the roads around the area are at best described as third world and an absolute death trap, same with pavements. Pot holes seem to be far and away the one thing the council see to be good at creating, and if on the off chance a repairs is done its lucky to last a week. Building approvals are rampant and ugly. Beautiful treet line suburbs with old houses having to put up with ugly cooky cutter double storey houses.

Oct 16, 2023
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I agree Kit . Both ends of our street have been re surfaced twice, but the middle of our street , I can not remember the last time it was surfaced. I have lived in Essex Road for 42 years... Council seem to have an abundance of cash to throw at totally refurbishing playgrounds, but no cash for maintaining the roads and footpaths. We paid out over 2 , 1/2 thousand dollars in medical bills after a fall while walking on our footpaths . ..........I checked out my local councillors street , a vast difference to where I live ......

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