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Speed limits to be
slashed without consulting you first.

Stonnington Council has decided to implement 40KMH zones across much of Stonnington without consulting the community first.


It is being touted as "needed for safety" and to increase walking and cycling - with the aim of drastically reducing car usage.

There is no legal or legislated requirement for Council to do this.

If you live in the YELLOW areas - you will be affected.


Residents have a right to be consulted PRIOR to any changes being proposed or implemented. 


We want Council to PAUSE the proposed 18 MONTH TRIAL

We want the proposed ZONES scrapped &

​​We want Council to consult and ask ALL residents, businesses and locals, before they



Sign our petition below and let's send the Council a clear message that it cannot simply dictate how we live without consulting us.

You can read more on the specific areas proposed here: 




To the Mayor and Councillors of the Stonnington City Council

I, the undersigned, petition the Mayor and Councillors of Stonnington City Council to:

  • STOP the proposed trial

  • Consult (for 90 days) the residents, businesses and locals on whether or not they want the speed limits lowered (not what Council wants to impose).

  • Consultation is to include a MAIL OUT to every household and business within the proposed zones.

  • Only implement speed changes if more than 50% of all those mailed, support them. (not those who respond, rather, all those mailed)

What is your relationship to Stonnington (pick all that apply)
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